Elites Group Community (EGC) is a community of people, helping each other for free; consciously they donate money to each other, from one bank account to another without any conditions, guarantees and promises. They do so voluntarily and out of free will.
· There is no formal organization, no legal person in (EGC) and of course there is no central bank account, no other activity in any form. Neither close, nor open. There are only participants, simple private persons and their bank accounts, nothing more.
· Thus, (EGC) is absolutely legal and does not break any law. Money is transferred from person to person (peer to peer system) therefore no law is broken as it is not illegal to donate or give money to another person. Everyone is entitled to do as they please with their money, so if they feel a need to help out a fellow human being so be it, there are no laws against helping each other. Remember help here is completely voluntary and out of freewill.
· So everything is absolutely clear with the lawfulness, there are no violations and there won't be! It is important to underline that (EGC) doesn't cheat or abuse anyone. Members of the community do get involved out of their own freewill; everyone is informed about the possible risks fully from the very beginning (everyone acknowledges during the registration, confirming that they have read the warnings before participating).
· Integrity is the main principle. Integrity, honesty and trust. These are the three pillars on which the system stands. Participant! Welcome to the System! Long Live (EGC)!
(EGC) respects the privacy of all its users and is committed to guard it in all respects. To find out how user information collected at the website/blog is protected, please read the following private policy document. Please note that (EGC) can make changes to this private policy from time to time. Keep checking this page to know more about the updated private policies.

Personal Information
We may collect the following information from our users:
Name Contact Information including email address, Photo, bank details and other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers.

What We Do With the Information Collected
The information collected at the website/blog is to present our valuable customers with better services and in particular for the following reasons:
Record Keeping for Internal Use.
Improve our existing products and services.
Send promotional emails periodically about new products, special offers or other information which users may find interesting.

To make the process of collecting information secure, suitable physical and electronic procedures have been integrated with the website.
(EGC) Account Security
Your Account details CANNOT be changed once entered the first time, this security feature will make it impossible for anyone in possession of your password to divert your funds when it’s due to receive donation; keeping you 100% safe. If at any time you wish to change the account details, you contact Support with a tangible reason and we will call to ensure we are speaking with the account owner.

Modifying/Deleting Personal Information
Participant can modify or delete their personal information permanently on our database only by sending an email to support.elitesgroup@gmail.com